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Find Your Route: Steamer Appomattox

Activity Instructions

Select a pen color below, then use your cursor to draw the route you would take between ports to load and unload your cargo. Use the information provided to help guide you while you draw. Make sure that your route is the fastest and most direct way to travel between ports on the water. If your route takes you out of one lake and into another, be careful when drawing the line to stay in the water and don't run aground. When you are ready to check your route, click the "Check My Route" button to see how you did. If you would like to start over, click the "Start Over" button.

Choose Pen Color: 

The year is 1899.

  • You start in Superior, Wisconsin loading iron ore.
  • Then, you steam to Cleveland, Ohio to unload the ore.
  • Next, you steam to Erie, Pennsylvania to load coal.
  • Last, you steam to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to unload the coal.

Map courtesy of the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Ship image courtesy of the Wisconsin Historical Society.

Click here to learn more about the steamer Appomattox.